Featured Rogue November: Crystal De La Cruz

Crystal is a member of the Tribe at our Cedar Park location. She joined our Couch-to-Marathon program in January 2017 and is training for the 2018 Austin Marathon as well as the Austin Distance Challenge. Her coach, Tori says she is incredibly dedicated, a hard worker, has a positive attitude, and is a great teammate!!

couch to marathon

When and why did you start running? I first started running in 2013, after I had my son, Christian.  I took a long break and realized how much I missed the running community and joined the Couch to Marathon training group at Rogue in Cedar Park in January. I was never a fast runner and I’m still not. If I didn’t have speed, I wanted to at least have endurance, hence the marathon goal.  I started running because I wanted to do something that I had never done before, something that would challenge me. I can easily say running is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it’s also one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.


Describe your first race experience. My first race experience was my first 5K back in July 2014, Vern’s No Frills 5K. It was my first 5K and it was the first time I really got to experience how great the running community was. The people were amazing, they cheered me on and they didn’t even know me! I was hooked. I wasn’t able to run the whole 5K, which was my next goal I set for myself as soon as I crossed the finish line.


What has been your biggest running-related challenge? My biggest running-related challenge would definitely be not giving myself enough credit. I am my own worst critic. I tend to be really hard on myself and get discouraged because I am always comparing myself to a better or faster runner.

What has been your biggest running achievement, or defining moment? My biggest running achievement would definitely be my first 5K I ran without stopping. That was the first time I felt like a runner. It was the CASA Superhero run in September of 2014.

What’s next? I am in month 11 of the Couch to Marathon program with the Austin Marathon being my first marathon. I am so ready to become a marathoner. Training for 11 months has been very challenging but I set a goal for myself I cannot wait to finally cross that finish line. I get emotional just thinking about it. I see a lot of marathons in my future.

run for the water

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